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About BC Backroad Advocates

Non-Profit Organization

Why BC Backroad Advocates?

A group that wants to educate, advocate and help make a difference for our beautiful outdoors and backroads.

Keep government, industry and the community to a better standard.

Highlighting the state of our backroads and what difference can be made. Through partnerships, funding, donations and some sweat from volunteers.

Areas that we are focusing on:
  • Rec Sites within BC
  • Popular Destinations
  • Overlander Routes
  • Forest Service Roads (FSR’s)

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Our Causes. See All

Nahatlatch Restoration

Nahatlatch Restoration

Morbi eget venenatis magna, eu semper ex. Fusce sodales, nisi eget lobortis.

Harrison West Debris Clean Up

Harrison West Debris Clean Up

Morbi eget venenatis magna, eu semper ex. Fusce sodales, nisi eget lobortis.

Nahatlatch Grizzly Falls Improvement

Nahatlatch Grizzly Falls Improvement

Morbi eget venenatis magna, eu semper ex. Fusce sodales, nisi eget lobortis.
